About Amboise - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Located in the heart of the Loire Valley and considered by the UNESCO World Heritage city of Amboise is the home of prestigious monuments such as the Royal Castle, Clos Luce (Castle Cloux), temporary home of Leonardo da Vinci, and Chanteloup Pagoda, Chinese-inspired monument. Also, Amboise is located only 18 km from the Chenonceau Castle, situated on the River Cher, near the small village of Chenonceaux.
Amboise (Ambac Latin) means "between two waters." Name the city makes reference to his past and its privileged geographic location: Châteliers plateau that dominates the valleys of the Loire and Amasa's. The city has developed due to the natural protection of the two rivers and installation in a strategic place.
The small town of Amboise was once the residence of the French Royal Court. Amboise Castle was built at the request of Charles VIII of Valois in 1470. Today Amboise Castle is owned by the city and is classified historical monument in 1845.
Attractive medieval town offers many tourist attractions including historical buildings, theaters, shops, cafes, bistros and restaurants. The city's infrastructure is developed, there running through many schools, hospitals, sports grounds, gyms, swimming pools and camping municipal.
Amboise is a future-oriented city of 13,000 residents that offer throughout the year, cultural and sporting events.
Amboise | Located in the heart of the Loire Valley and considered by the UNESCO World Heritage city of Amboise is the home of prestigious monuments such as the Royal Castle, Clos Luce (Castle Cloux), temporary home of Leonardo da Vinci, and Chanteloup Pagoda, Chinese-inspired
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