About Arles - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Arles is one of the oldest settlements in France, important agricultural and industrial center with a population of over 50,000 inhabitants. Romanian dates from its beginnings, ruins and monuments and then show that for hundreds of years Arles is one of the most important cities of the region.
But Arles made history thanks to a painter who has failed to sell in a lifetime than one canvas, and that for a modest price: Vincent van Gogh. He lived in Arles price over one year, one of the most prolific period in the life of the controversial artist, the year he managed to paint 200 canvases, many of them depicting moments and shots of city life, as he saw. It was not the only artist attracted to the village atmosphere and charm - and he Gauguin was one among those who worked in Arles - and one that seems to play best city life. And many of the buildings or distinctive style immortalized in there today, so you can restore the image of the old city, at least partially.
With museums, streets, buildings and atmosphere, Arles is one of the most exciting cities in France. At least for those who want to discover a major chapter in the life of van Gogh. Strange as museums in Arles but you will not find any work by van Gogh.
Arles | Arles is one of the oldest settlements in France, important agricultural and industrial center with a population of over 50,000 inhabitants. Romanian dates from its beginnings, ruins and monuments and then show that for hundreds of years Arles is one of
the most important cities of the region
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