About Montpellier - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
The capital of the department of Herault and Languedoc-Rousillon region, Montpellier is a great city, but attracts many tourists due to charm the old trails, shops, museums and restaurants, as well as life style, very relaxed and contemporary. South of town you will find many quality beaches.
The city is situated on a hilly terrain at a distance of 10km from the Mediterranean coast, on the River Lez. The city was originally called Monspessulanus (Fr. Mont Pelé) which means "naked mountain" (named due to its low vegetation).
Founded in the tenth century, Montpellier since the Middle Ages became a cosmopolitan cultural and economic center where Jews, Muslims and Christians have always lived in good understanding, tolerance and mutual respect ensuring rapid development of the city. Currently Montpellier is the eighth largest city in France and at the same time, the French city with the fastest growth in the last 25 years.
Montpellier is also a true museum of French architecture from different eras, old buildings to be admired here, an eighteenth-century water tower, narrow streets, cobblestone, and a new neighborhood, whose construction began in the early '70s past. At least as interesting are the numerous castles, most can be visited under the guidance of a guide.
Montpellier | The capital of the department of Herault and Languedoc-Rousillon region, Montpellier is a great city, but attracts many tourists due to charm the old trails, shops, museums and restaurants, as well as life style, very relaxed and contemporary
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