About Orleans - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Orleans recieved a rating of 5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Orleans, Valley Of Loire
The city of Orleans is the capital of the Center-Val de Loire region of France and you will find it 120 km southwest of Paris. Due to its pleasant dimensions, the best way to get to know it is to walk it on foot or by bicycle. There are enough reasons to do this, first of all culturally but also of a different nature. The town has narrow, cobbled streets, where light can hardly penetrate, but also wide streets for heavy traffic and pedestrian traffic, having good restaurants, excellent shops (especially on Rue Royale) and very beautiful parks. Orleans, the city of the French heroine Ioana d'Arc, a city that very pleasantly combines the old with the new, where the past is a place of honor. The city itself revolves around the Sainte Croix cathedral, built in the 13th century, in Gothic style, interesting for its strange towers in the form of a wedding cake, for the ship in the form of a tower and for the huge circular window. The market is surrounded by a tram line.
Orleans | Orleans is a city in the center of France, being the northernmost city on the Loire Valley, located 120 km southwest of Paris. Due to its size, the best way to know it is by walking or cycling.
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