About Paris - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Paris recieved a rating of 4.3 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (41 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Paris, Ile De France
An important settlement for more than two millennia, Paris is today one of the most important business and cultural centers in the world and exert influence on media, fashion, science, arts, entertainment and many other areas contributed to status that it occupies as one of the most important cities in the world. Paris offers plenty of tourist attractions, museums and tourist attractions are found everywhere and therefore to visit the French capital, a little planning never hurt.
Historic core of Paris is Ile de la Cite, a small island inhabited in antiquity by the tribe pariziilor (Parisii in Latin) who based their decision in the small fishing village. Today most of the island is occupied by the impressive Palais de Justice and Notre-Dame de Paris. The island is connected with his younger sister, Île Saint-Louis, which is occupied by houses built in the seventeenth and eighteenth century. Major characteristics of tree-lined quays of Paris are along the Seine - especially on the left side with street vendors of books (the famous buchinisti), historic bridges that cross the Seine and the famous Champs-Elysees avenue, and numerous other buildings and monuments famous, many of which are included in the UNESCO Heritage of Humanity established.
Paris was occupied by a Gallic tribe until the Romans arrived in 52 BC The invaders referred to the previous occupants Parisii, but have called the city Lutetia, meaning "place mlaatinos. About fifty years later the city had spread to the left bank of the Seine in the Latin Quarter, and was renamed "Paris".
Romanian occupation ended in 508, when Clovis made him the capital city of the Frankish Merovingian dynasty. Viking invasions of the ninth century have forced the Parisians to build a fortress on the Ile de la Cite. During one invasion Paris was conquered by Vikings, probably under Ragnar Lodbrok, which received a huge reward for leaving on March 27, 845. The weakness last kings of the Carolingian counts increased the power of Paris. Odo, Count of Paris was elected king of France by feudal lords while Charles III had pretensions to the throne. Eventually, 987 Hugo Capet, Count of Paris, was elected after the death of the last feudal lords Carolingian successor.
During the eleventh century the city was lying on the right bank. XII and XIII, which included the reign of Philip II Augustus (1180-1223), are notable for city growth. Main roads were paved, the first Louvre was built as a fort and several churches, including Notre-Dame cathedral, were built or started. Several schools on the left bank were organized into the Sorbonne, which counts Albertus Magnus and St. Thomas Aquinas among its early scholars. In the Middle Ages Paris prospered as a commercial and intellectual center, interrupted temporarily when the Black Death struck in the fourteenth century. Under the reign of King Louis XIV, the Sun King, from 1643 to 1715, the royal residence was moved to Versailles.
French Revolution began with the storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789. Many of the conflicts in the coming years have taken place between Paris and rural areas of France.
In 1870 Franco-Prussian war ended in a siege of Paris of the Paris Commune, which surrendered in 1871 after a winter of famine. Eiffel Tower, the most famous symbol of Paris, was built in 1889 in a period of prosperity known as La Belle Epoque.
Paris, like any major metropolis has a large international airport, it was Charles de Gaulle International Airport. Paris-Orly Airport is the second airport in Paris and is in the south-east of the city. Beauvais Airport is located north of Paris. It is a smaller regional airport, used mostly by low-cost flights.
Once in Paris, one of the best ways to get around the city is underground. Paris has an excellent network of underground lines. There are 16 metro lines (1-14, 3bis and 7bis). Subway travel between 5 am and 12:30 at night (Saturday night run to 1:30). Line 14 is fully automatic and is called Meteor.
Paris | An important settlement for more than two millennia, Paris is today one of the most important business and cultural centers in the world and exert influence on media, fashion, science, arts, entertainment and many other areas contributed to status that
it occupies as one of the most important cities in the world
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