About Reims - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Reims is a city in France, sub-prefecture of the department of Marne in the Champagne-Ardenne.
Is the town of Reims in northern France with its famous Gothic cathedral where generations of French kings were crowned. 80% destroyed during World War I, the city was rebuilt in the 20s Art Deco style.
Reims, Epernay and Ay with, is one of the main production centers of the Champagne region. Many of the biggest production houses have their headquarters in Reims. Many of them are open for tours and tastings of champagne. Champagne mature in limestone caves and tunnels, some dating from the Romanian. Town center restarns and can easily walk through. Here you will find some interesting markets, beautiful shops and charming arcades.
The city took its name from the Celtic tribe Remi, whose capital was. Later he became durocortorum novel, one of the most influential cities in Gaul. The importance of the bishops of Reims, increased their role in the conversion of the Franks, brought them right in Carolingian times to anoint kings, so that between 988 and 1825 almost all French kings were crowned in Reims.
Reims | Reims is a city in France, sub-prefecture of the department of Marne in the Champagne-Ardenne.
Is the town of Reims in northern France with its famous Gothic cathedral where generations of French kings were crowned
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