About Tours - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Tours is a city in France, the prefecture of Indre-et-Loire department in central region. The old town is located between the Loire and Cher rivers. The city has a population of 140,000 inhabitants and is called the Garden of France ("Le Jardin de la France"), due to its many parks.
Starting time Wales Tours is known as crossing the Loire. The city then called Civitas Turonorum, after the name of the respondents Galli Turones to sit there.
Tours has long had a reputation as a conservative town, bourgeois, but the growing number of commuters in Paris (now in less than an hour away on the TGV line), I have animated significant. Touraine region is known for its wines, castles and its perfection of French spoken unstressed.
Worth viewed Most objectives are in the south, the medieval quarter called Vieux Tours. Here are numerous old buildings and churches, several museums, and shops, bars and restaurants. Other objectives include the Cathedral of Tours, the local station, the Palace of Justice and the few government buildings of the nineteenth century. Near the cathedral, the Palais des Archevêques ancient garden (now the Museum of Fine Arts), is a huge cedar tree planted by Napoleon Bonaparte.
Tours | Tours is a city in France, the prefecture of Indre-et-Loire department in central region. The old town is located between the Loire and Cher rivers. The city has a population of 140,000 inhabitants and is called the Garden of France ("Le Jardin de la France"),
due to its many parks
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